Let's start the week with another great recipe! This is one is extra easy-breezy and it combines two of my favorite ingredients seafood and pasta. I use spaghetti No. 6 which I cook according to cooking instuctions and then rinse under running cold water. I always do that because it halts the cooking process right there on the spot, plus it removes most of the surface starch which I personally don't like to taste at all! Now, to the sauce, which is what gives life to the dish. In a heated pan slightly covered with olive oil I add a clove of garlic and wait until it turns a bit brown, then I remove the garlic and add a yellow pepper sliced into squares. When the pepper is softened I add a few cherry tomatoes crushed and a few minutes later my baby shrimps. The shrimps are already bathed in fresh water which has a few lemon wedges. The shrimps cook very fast (about ten minutes max) and I want my tomatoes to be slightly cooked in order to keep their freshness. In that time, a thin layer of tomato sauce is built which is enough for the rest of the ingredients. I add fresh ground pepper and sea salt along with oregano and a handful of chopped parsley and give it a last stir. I remove the pan from heat and toss the pasta in. A lot of grated cheese on top and I can hardly resist for another minute!